
A 54-years-old male, case of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (T1N2M0) was given six monthly doses of Injection Cetuximab. He presented to dermatology clinic with paronychia of left thumb, middle and ring finger, subungual hyperkeratosis (Panel A) and recurrent crops of papulopustular lesions over scalp, face (Panel B), trunk and extremities associated with dryness (white arrow) (Panel C) and itching for last six months. He also complained of excessive hair fall. He was diagnosed as PRIDE complex (Papulopustules and/or paronychia, Regulatory abnormalities of hair-growth, Itching, Dryness) secondary to Cetuximab and treated with oral Doxycycline, topical Clindamycin, tretinoin and emollients. He was in remission at last follow-up after one month.

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