
Since first published in 1813, Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice has remained to be a timeless classic and has continued to inspire many adaptations in different artistic forms. The novel explores pride in Mr. Darcy’s character and prejudices in Elizabeth Bennet’s nature. In the beginning, excessive pride and prejudices prevent them from admiring each other’s virtue and beauty. As the story progresses, though, readers see both their growth and, finally, a happy ending after pride and prejudices fade. Because it tells one of the most cherished love stories in English literature, the original novel has been adapted to plays, movies, and TV series—but unfortunately, not every production is at the same level of quality. The wonderful experiences of going to the Pride & Prejudice (2005) movie screening and watching BBC’s Pride and Prejudice (1995) TV series had raised my expectation for other adaptations of the novel, so I couldn’t wait to go to Aquila Theatre’s play production. However, it was a disappointment and I have since been curious to find out why I felt that it did not meet my expectation: I love the book, the movie, and the TV series, so why can’t I like Aquila Theatre’s play adaptation as well? In this paper, I will argue that I don’t think Aquila Theatre’s production is a good adaptation of the original work, based on how the play differently portrays Mr. Collins’s character and manners, Elizabeth Bennet, and her relationship with Mr. Darcy. • How did Jane Austen portray each character when writing the book? • How did Aquila Theatre differently portray each character when directing the play? • What is the message Jane Austen tries to send through her novel Pride and Prejudice? • What are some reviews of Aquila Theatre’s production of Pride and Prejudice?

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