
Influential nodes with rich connections in online social networks (OSNs) are of great values to initiate marketing campaigns. However, the potential influence spread that can be generated by these influential nodes is hidden behind the structures of OSNs, which are often held by OSN providers and unavailable to advertisers for privacy concerns. A social advertising model known as influencer marketing is to have OSN providers offer and price candidate nodes for advertisers to purchase for seeding marketing campaigns. In this setting, a reasonable price profile for the candidate nodes should effectively reflect the expected influence gain they can bring in a marketing campaign. In this paper, we study the problem of pricing the influential nodes based on their expected influence spread to help advertisers select the initiators of marketing campaigns without the knowledge of OSN structures. We design a function characterizing the divergence between the price and the expected influence of the initiator sets. We formulate the problem to minimize the divergence and derive an optimal price profile. An advanced algorithm is developed to estimate the price profile with accuracy guarantees. Experiments with real OSN datasets show that our pricing algorithm can significantly outperform other baselines.

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