To describe and to compare the previous and the current tobacco use profile between psychiatric population of secondary and tertiary levels of care and general population of basic health care. Descriptive epidemiological/analytical cross sectional study with 378 participants from three Brazilian health services: a) Basic Unity of Health (BUH); b) Mental Health Ambulatory (MHA); c) Psychiatric Hospital (PH). The answers provided during individual interviews were registred in mobile device. Data were submitted to descriptive statistics, Fischer's exact test, analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis test. In the PH all were daily smokers, noticing lower prevalence in MHA (94.1%) and in BUH (91.7%). Among the products utilized has highlighted manufactured cigarettes (98%), followed by roll-your-own cigarettes (39%). The average of cigarettes smoked per day (MHA=19,3, PH=25,3, BUH=17,2) and the percentage of multiple tobacco products users (MHA=28.1%, PH=55.3%, BUH=9.1%) were higher in PH. 73% of smokers exceed ≥ 4% of familiar income with tobacco. In PH were identified higher commitment. Smokers of PH were less advised to stop smoking (MHA=50%, PH=39.5%, BUH=50%). The current tobacco use profile by psychiatric hospital smokers differs from the others. Besides higher tobacco dependency, they smoked a higher amount of cigarettes per day, compromised higher perceptual of personal income to buy tobacco and used multiples tobacco products as well as received less support to stop smoking.
The current tobacco use profile by psychiatric hospital smokers differs from the others
They smoked a higher amount of cigarettes per day, compromised higher perceptual of personal income to buy tobacco and used multiples tobacco products as well as received less support to stop smoking
Se destacaron los cigarrillos industrializados (98%), seguidos por los cigarrillos de paja (39%)
Renata Marques de Oliveira, Jair Lício Ferreira-Santos e Antonia Regina Ferreira-Furegato. Objetivo Descrever e comparar, entre a população psiquiátrica dos níveis secundário e terciário de atenção em saúde e a população geral da rede básica de saúde, o perfil pregresso e atual do uso de tabaco. A média de cigarros fumados/ dia (ASM=19,3, HP=25,3, UBS=17,2) e o percentual de usuários de múltiplos produtos de tabaco (ASM=28,1%; HP=55,3%; UBS=9,1%) foram maiores no HP. 73% dos fumantes comprometiam ≥4% da renda mensal com tabaco. Os fumantes do HP foram menos aconselhados a parar de fumar (ASM=50%, HP=39,5%, UBS=50%). Conclusão O perfil atual do uso de tabaco dos fumantes do hospital psiquiátrico é diferente dos demais. Eles tinham dependência do tabaco mais intensa, fumavam maior quantidade de cigarros/dia, comprometiam maior percentual de sua renda com a compra de tabaco e faziam uso de múltiplos produtos de tabaco, além de receberem menos suporte para parar de fumar. Palavras-chave: Uso de tabaco; epidemiologia; enfermagem psiquiátrica (fonte: DeCS, BIREME)
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