
The article examines the essence of delinquent behavior, systematizes approaches to understanding the determinants and prerequisites for its formation. The author emphasizes the importance of focusing the prevention of delinquent behavior in the vocational training system on social relationships and on such areas of personality as: cognitive (increasing intellectual development, forming positive ideas about oneself and others); emotional (developing emotional stability and control over emotional manifestations, increasing stress resistance); regulatory (development of communication skills, self-control, focus on active and creative activities, etc.); motivational-value (development of motivation to achieve success, increasing legal literacy, familiarization with universal values, development of value-semantic sphere). The article presents results of studying the prerequisites of delinquent behavior in students of different levels of vocational education. It examines in detail the program of prevention of delinquent behavior, as well as the results and conclusions based on the results of its testing.

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