
The article justifies the relevance of the problem, reveals the content and features of the social phenomenon of “bullying”. Factors causing bullying in the youth environment have been thoroughly analyzed and bullying forms among schoolchildren have been characterized. The influence of physical culture and sports in the context of countering violence has been determined. The level of development of this question has been thoroughly analyzed. Today in all-aged students’ and youth groups we observe a very worsening problem of aggression demonstration and systematic harassment. In essence, bullying is a specific form of aggressive behavior of a person, where a stronger student, who is partly more authoritative, or sometimes a group of schoolchildren, systematically terrorizes a so-called outsider. When it comes to their participants, such cases do not involve only the aggressors and their victims, but create the conditions for active or passive participation in the process of other members of the school team, where such “unhealthy” friendships are going strong. Such relations are called “school bullying”, the wide spreading of which for the past years has become a real social problem in educational practice. Active promotion of sports and agitation for a healthy lifestyle among young students is one of the effective tools for solving aggressive conflicts, reducing the level of social tension in teenage groups, increasing motivation for self-realization and self-development.

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