
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is more susceptible to severe kind of security threats like denial of service attack, black hole attack, jamming attack and Sybil attack because of its dynamic behavior and lack of central administration. In such network any number of nodes can join or leave the network easily. In this paper, focuses on the prevention of black hole and jamming attack which is one of the serious threats. Black hole node advertises itself that it has the shortest route to destination while jamming occurs due to uninterrupted radio waves to put down the transmission between receiver and sender. We propose IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention Scheme) scheme to thwart the black hole node and Distributed monitoring mechanism to choose monitor nodes responsible for identifying channel accessibility. The proposed security scheme is able to handle the jamming attack conditions and resolve the problem of link blockage from jamming. The simulation & analysis of proposed work is performed on NS-2.34 network simulator and it is found that our proposed scheme outperforms in prevention for black hole and identifying the jamming nodes.

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