Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are diseases that are not transmissible directly from one personto another. NCDs mainly consists of cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, stroke etc.It accounts for 68% of globaldeaths. The prevalence rates in India is 1.6% to 7.4% and 1% to 13.2% in rural and urban population respectively.Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors for NCDs in rural field practice areas ofRDJMMCH, Turki, Muzaffarpur.Methods: A cross-sectional study done among people above 30 years of age residing in study area from March toApril, 2023. Data was collected using CBRA (community based risk assessment) checklist for NCDs. Sample sizeof 157 was calculated assuming the prevalence of risk factor for NCDs being 30% with 95% confidence interval andabsolute precision of 7.5%. Systematic random and simple random sampling was applied.Results: Mean age of participants was 47.9 years. Majority of them were females (56%) belonging to Hindu religion(98%). 41% were illiterate and major occupation practiced was farming (74%). Prevalence of risk factor for NCDswas 17.2%. On performing Chi-Square test smoking, alcohol, physical inactivity and family history of NCD’s werefound to be significantly associated.Conclusion: As prevalence of risk factor for NCDs is 17.2%. Thus, it is the need of hour to have timely updateabout the disease and motivate them for healthy lifestyle
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