
Relevance. The impact of obesity, as a multifactorial and multigenic disorder, on human health is a complicated multidisciplinary and simultaneously relevant problem in modern society. Inflammatory periodontal diseases are among the multiple consequences of obesity, with adverse effects on the quality and duration of life. Aim: To analyze the prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in patients with metabolic syndrome according to the body mass index (BMI).Material and Methods. We analyzed 306 records of patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases. Patients’ weight and height were stated in the questionnaire attached to the dental patient record. The patients formed five groups based on their BMI.Results. We found a high prevalence of periodontitis in groups with increased BMI and the progress of disease severity with the increase in BMI score.Conclusion. The obtained results evidence a high prevalence of chronic generalized periodontitis in overweight and obese patients, which allows us to conclude that overweight and obesity are risk factors for periodontal inflammatory- destructive processes.

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