
A systematic sample of replacement heifers from 5 herds underwent prebreeding vaginal swab cultures for Ureaplasma diversum Heifers from three of the herds were subsequently sampled at pregnancy examination Sampled heifers were given a vaginal lesion score (VLS), reproductive tract score (RTS) and body condition score (BCS), and peripheral blood was collected for serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) estimation Culture results revealed an overall prevalence of Ureaplasma diversum of 51% (87/171) at prebreeding and 65% (64/98) at pregnancy examination. Within herd prevalence ranged from 36% to 64% at prebreeding and 54% to 76% at pregnancy examination Prevalence tended to differ between herds (P = 0.08) At the prebreeding examination, heifers with a BCS of 5 5 or less were more likely to be culture positive than heifers with a BCS greater than 5 5 (p < 0 05) No relationship was noted between BUN, VLS, RTS, or pregnancy status and prebreeding culture status. There was little variability among the heifers for any of these variables, with vaginal lesion scores generally being mild, RTS scores being high and BCS scores being moderate. At pregnancy examination, heifers that were culture negative tended to be more likely to be pregnant (odds 3.7, P = 0.10) than culture positive heifers

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