
Abstract. Prevalence and clinical significance of electrocardiography findings was studied in 1189 older pilots in aged 55 years and older, who were consistently admitted to the Central Civil Aviation Hospital (Moscow) and examined on the regular bases. Resting 12-lead electrocardiogram was recorded in all subjects according to generally accepted methods. Normal electrocardiogram was found in 78,5% of older pilots. None of the examined showed signs of myocardial infarction. Minor electrocardiogram abnormalities was registered in 21,5% of pilots. Cardiac conduction disorders were predominated 16,1% of cases, most of them were intraventricular conduction disorders 13,7% of cases. Another electrocardiogram abnormalities were less common 4% of cases. Mixed electrocardiogram abnormalities were noted in a small number of observations in 1,4% of individuals. Thus, older civil aviation pilots are characterized a lower frequency of majority electrocardiogram deviations compared to a population of the same age. The evaluation of fitness to flight in some electrocardiogram deviations is depend of the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease, functional condition of the cardiovascular system and the data of additional examination methods. On the whole, the electrocardiogram use as a screening in asymptomatic individuals has some significant limitations - a number of detected abnormalities may be normal variants, as well as a normal electrocardiogram may be in significant narrowing of the coronary artery. Nevertheless, the need for electrocardiogram recording is recognized by aeromedical specialists of different countries, since this method is exclude a number of pathological changes, which are significant for flight safety.

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