
Aim and Objective: Assessment of prescription patterns may help the identification of clinical use of drugs in fever patients. Rational use of drugs may control the utilization of selective drugs in acute febrile illness. Methodology: A Prospective observational study was conducted in the General Medicine department in tertiary care hospital. Wards inpatients and outpatients with or without past and personal history were included in the study. Results: A Total of 357 were admitted with fever patients. In this study, patients of the 21- 30 age group patients have shown more prevalence. A total of -357 patients who were prescribed antibiotics were included in the study. Out of 357 cases, female patients 148 (41.45%), and male patients 209(58.54%). in this study maximum number of diseases was found to be dengue 103(28.85%), Out of 1250 medications, the highly prescribed formulation was parenteral dosage forms 825 (66.00%). Conclusion: A specially designed protocol is important for fever patients before prescribing to the patients evaluation of fever with suitable criteria is required. In other words, without knowing the diagnosis or focus of the disease, treatment or medications does not stop the fever spikes.

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