
Relevance. In modern society, loneliness is facing society as one of the urgent problems. This is not just a complex phenomenon in the life of an individual, it also has a huge social significance that requires in-depth analysis by sociology and philosophy. The development of high technologies and artificial intelligence has made people more isolated from each other, and often virtual communication completely replaces interpersonal communication in real life. This leads to the emergence of the problem of virtual communication, which, in turn, has an ambiguous effect on the problems of loneliness in each individual. The purpose is the study of the phenomenon of loneliness in the transforming social conditions of modern society. Objectives: To determine the essence of loneliness in modern society; to determine the types of loneliness and the social conditions of their formation in modern society; to analyze the social factors of loneliness in the modern world. Methodology. . The research was conducted on the basis of a systematic approach within the framework of structural functionalism using universal scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. The main results are presented as follows: within the framework of this article, a study was conducted with the help of which we typologized the types of loneliness and characterized the main causes of loneliness. Conclusions. Using a sociological survey, we determined that the main socio-demographic factors influencing feelings are age, level of education and population density. Also, urbanization and dependence on social networks have a strong impact on loneliness.

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