
New pressurized water reactor (PWR) cross-section libraries were generated for use with the ORIGEN-ARP depletion sequence in the SCALE nuclear analysis code system. These libraries are based on ENDF/B-VII.0 nuclear data and were generated using the two-dimensional depletion sequence, TRITON/NEWT, in SCALE 6.1. The libraries contain multiple burnup-dependent cross sections for seven PWR fuel designs, with enrichments ranging from 1.5 to 6 wt% 235U and burnups from 0 to 90 GW(d)/tonne U. The computational methodology and studies performed to establish an optimal depletion model for cross-section library generation are discussed in this paper. Verification against detailed TRITON simulations for the considered assembly designs showed that depletion calculations performed in ORIGEN-ARP with the pregenerated libraries provide results similar to those obtained with direct TRITON depletion while greatly reducing the computation time. Validation of the libraries, carried out using radiochemical assay measurements and decay heat measurements for PWR spent fuel, showed good agreement between calculated and experimental data.

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