
The purification of gas emissions from dispersed particles is presently one of the mandatory measures to protect the air basin for most industrial enterprises. The authors developed a device for gas cleaning with separation elements in the form of a profile with rectangular vertical slots. Such a design creates numerous small vortices, which leads to an increase in collection efficiency. The paper aims to numerically determine the effect of the design and operating conditions on the particle deposition efficiency and the pressure drop of the multivortex separator. The height of the rectangular slots varied from 55 to 94 mm. In addition, the size of the dispersed particles changed from 1 to 15 μm in diameter. The results show that a decrease of resistance coefficient is observed with an increase in the height of the rectangular slot in the separation element. The results indicate that separation elements should be designed with a small height of rectangular slots and located in the lower part to collect fine particles in the multivortex separator efficiently.

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