
Prespawning and spawning migrations of the southern one-finned greenling Pleurogrammus azonus in the bay are considered on the basis of the author's and literary numerical material. Peter the Great, in the summer-autumn period. As part of the spatiotemporal model building, the pre-spawning and spawning migrations were formalized. The dynamics of diurnal displacements is made in terms of transport equations. The recording of their representations follows the modified Patlack-Keller-Segel equations, according to which the flow of objects/substance is directed along the gradients of the stimulus zone functions introduced here. It is believed that in the pre-spawning period, morphophysiological and behavioral adaptations to a rather long and energyconsuming spawning occur. It is shown that the intensity of daily movements is proportional to their linear size (the larger the fish, the faster it moves). The equations for the spawning stage take into account the spatial competition of males, which under natural conditions is observed only in the vicinity of spawning areas. For females, clusters of males act as an incentive for movement. The simulation results turn out to be close to the observed migration regime.

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