
Raw watermelon juice previously studied for 21 days by hyperbaric storage (HS) at 75 MPa and uncontrolled/naturally variable room temperature (RT ≈ 25 °C), was kept further under 75 MPa/≈25 °C for one year. The results revealed that compared to the results previously reported (21 days), HS up to one year caused an additional reduction of initial loads (total aerobic mesophiles/psychrophiles), by at least ~1.0 log CFU/mL (to below the detection limit), while Enterobacteriacae/yeasts and moulds were kept below the detection limit (1 log CFU/mL). The microbial shelf-life was so increased up to at least one year, whilst with refrigeration the juice reached unaccepted levels just in 7 days (previously reported).Total soluble solids and pH under HS were close to the initial values, while cloudiness and colour presented only slight variations. Nevertheless, a visual colour evolution was observed.These results indicate hyperbaric storage at room temperature as a clearly more efficient preservation comparatively with refrigeration, showing a good potential to considerably increase the shelf-life of highly perishable foods, while reduce the energy consumption and the environmental impact.

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