
Only 47% of the populations in Bangladesh have access to electricity and per capita electricity use is 183 kWh p.a. which is very low compared to other developing countries. The government has the policy and vision to supply electricity to all citizens by 2020. Decentralized electricity generation by renewable energy can help the country to fulfill its Vision 2020. This paper discusses about the present status of solar home system (SHS) and photovoltaic (PV) micro utility in Bangladesh. Recommendation for further expansion and upgrading also described with the village electrification model and implementation model. Around 1.4 × 106, solar home systems are installed in the rural areas of Bangladesh by February 2013 by various installers. PV systems increase the quality of life, generate income, improve children education by providing good quality of light, and reduce health hazard and risk of fire by reducing kerosene burning. Under the PV micro utility model, an entrepreneur installs the PV system at his own premise and shares the electricity generated with neighbors. These systems are popular at rural market places in Bangladesh as users of this kind no need to buy PV system. Study suggests that 10 000 such systems are installed so far and most preferred micro utility is 50 Wp by the users. It is understood that appropriate policy towards PV micro utility, initiative to available PV accessories locally within the country and proper monitoring and dedicated maintenance support can make PV micro utility program more successful in Bangladesh like SHSs.

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