
Abstract. The results of modern processes observations of the sedimentation in the volcanic lakes of the region are summarized with the use of material from other regions of the world. The available data on the drained volcanic lakes deposits, Uzon-Geysernaya caldera as example, was analysed. The main sources of material (volcanic and post-volcanic activity, gravitational displacements on slopes, and erosion-denudation processes) and the mechanisms of its entry into volcanic lakes, as well as the features of the subsequent deposits transformation as a result of hydrothermal, seismic, and volcano-tectonic activity, are identified. The results of the studies carried out allow us to conclude that the volcanic lakes deposits are complexly constructed polyfacial complexes with alternating fine-grained lacustrine and lacustrine-swamp deposits with pyroclastic horizons and interlayers of untreated or poorly processed coarse clastic material coming as a result of volcano-tectonic activity, gravitational and erosion processes. The irregularity of horizons along strike is typical; and is characterized by the large-scale sediments deformation under the influence of seismic activity, growth of effusive and extrusive domes, phreatic explosions, etc. Hydrothermal activity contributes to the weathering and cementation of the lake sediments. Lava outpourings and the high-temperature pyroclastic flows provokes sintering of contacting horizons sediments.

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