
The authors describe the stakeholders involved in prescription drug supply chains and the flows of products, payments, and information between stakeholders. Many stakeholders and steps are involved in the life cycle of a prescription drug as it moves from chemical synthesis and formulation through dispensing or administration to patients. The specific steps involved in prescription drug supply chains often differ depending on the type of drug, the channel of distribution, and the patient's source of prescription drug coverage. Although the authors present a typical supply chain for retail pharmacy drugs, they also highlight the important supply chain distinctions for specific distribution channels and for specific types of drugs. Disparate sources exist describing each component of the supply chain, but, to the authors' knowledge, this study is the first to compile them to facilitate understanding of their interdependence and complexity. The typical stakeholders, relationships, and financial incentives in prescription drug supply chains vary depending on the characteristics of a drug and how it reaches patients. Even within a specific type of drug and a particular distribution channel, differences in business practices complicate a universal description of drug supply chains. There are four common core components of drug supply chains: manufacturing, distribution, coverage and payment, and prescribing and demand. Although prescription drugs are generally available to dispense when prescribed in the United States, there are important exceptions that warrant further investigation. The ability of policymakers to identify, assess, and respond to shortages and disruptions in supply chains is hampered by incomplete data.

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