
Introduction. The effective operation of the enterprise in a highly competitive environment requires a systematic review of existing strategies for choosing market prospects or the formation of an innovative product profile. Competitive development of the enterprise requires the use of flexible strategic tools to stimulate the development, production and transfer of innovations, which allows to systematically improve the quality of production and contributes to the growth of its capitalization.Purpose. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the scientific and applied principles of strategic planning of innovative development of the enterprise as a fundamental basis for its competitiveness.Methods. The analysis is based on systemic, structural-functional and synergetic approaches. Universal methods of formal logic and scientific abstraction, basic principles of research of innovation, investology are used.Results. The preconditions for choosing different types of innovation strategies by enterprises are considered. It was found that the defining feature of their quality construction is the ability of managers to operate large arrays of information flows to predict the trend of economic development, focus on unlocking the innovative potential of the enterprise and adequate development of a strategy to capture the market. Strategies of innovative growth from the point of view of long-term prospects and a life cycle of innovative business are analyzed. Management styles that can cause or approach the onset of the organizational crisis of the next stage of innovative business are identified and possible ways of management intervention to prevent negative consequences are suggested. The proposed logic of the strategy of innovative development of the enterprise includes the initial separation of the innovative component and step-by-step branching of goals with the appropriate definition of methods to achieve them at the next level of strategic planning.Discussion. Further research should focus on determining the prerequisites for strategic planning and priorities for innovative development of Ukraine’s economy.

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