
The article considers about the general tendencies of Christian and Catholic art renewal in Great Britain. This movement is the part of the wider one i.e. Christian art renewal, which is the important phenomenon in all western literatures and cultures (Francois Mauriac, Georges Bernanos, Julien Green, Paul Claudel, Charles Péguy, Gertrud von Le Fort, Heinrich Boll, Sigrid Undset, Graciya Deledda, Ramiro de Maeztu, Hose Bergamin, Miguel Unamuno, Maurice Denis, Paul Gauguin, Georges Rouault, Francis Jean Marcel Poulenc, Arthur Honegger, Olivier Messiaen, etc.) English Christian and Catholic Renewal were caused by the deep crisis, which found its place after the period of positivism. In British literature the phenomenon of Christian renewal manifested itself in the creative work of Evelyn Arthur St. John Waugh, Muriel Spark, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Graham Green, Clive Staples Lewis and others. Tendencies of Christian renewal also appeared in the other kinds of art. In the painting of Great Britain of the period these tendencies display themselves in the intention of the painters to find the sense of the life, which in the same time also include the interest in Christianity. It made itself apparent in new approaches to sacred matters, which include Bible themes as well as Church tradition. In the fine art of Great Britain Christian renewal echoed in the works of Pre-Raphaelites (William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Madox Brown, Edward Berne-Jones, William Morris, Arthur Hughes, Walter Crane, and John William Waterhouse. Strong will to return to the cultural and religious roots of Europe is the core of this art movement of Christian and Catholic renewal in Britain. Revision of “Good News Bible” message actuality for their contemporaries, which is manifested in the sense of the works, images and structural elements, is the important task and inspiration for painters and writers of this style.

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