
Immunofluorescence histochemical double-staining for preproenkephalin (PPE) and calbindin-D28k (CB), calretinin (CR) or parvalbumin (PV) were performed in the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudalis (Vc) of the rat. Neuronal cell bodies exhibiting PPE-like immunoreactivity were present in all laminae of the Vc, with a higher concentration in lamina II. Most of the CB-, CR- and PV-like immunoreactive neurons were located in lamina II, and some of them were also found in laminae I and III of the Vc. Some PPE-like immunoreactive neurons also showed CB-, CR-, or PV-like immunoreactivities. CB/PPE, CR/PPE and PV/PPE double-labelled neurons were mainly observed in lamina II. The percentages of CB/PPE double-labelled neurons in the total numbers of the CB- and PPE-like immunoreactive neurons were 3.5-1.5% and 3.3-15.7%, respectively. Of all CR- and PPE-like immunoreactive neurons, 4.7-13.5% and 3.7-14.2% showed both CR- and PPE-like immunoreactivities. The ratios of PV/PPE double-labelled neurons in all PV- and PPE-like immunoreactive neurons were 9.7-28.1% and 2.1-8.7%, respectively. The present results indicate that some enkephalinergic neurons in the Vc of the rat also contain calcium-binding proteins.

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