
Presented here is a protocol for preparing cryo-lamellae from plunge-frozen grids of Plasmodium falciparum-infectedhuman erythrocytes, which could easily be adapted for other biological samples. The basic principles for preparing samples, milling, and viewing lamellae are common to all instruments and the protocol can be followed as a general guide to on-grid cryo-lamella preparation for cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) and cryo-electron tomography (cryoET). Electron microscopy grids supporting the cells are plunge-frozen into liquid nitrogen-cooled liquid ethane using a manual or automated plunge freezer, then screened on a light microscope equipped with a cryo-stage. Frozen grids are transferred into a cryo-scanning electron microscope equipped with a focused ion beam (cryoFIB-SEM). Grids are routinely sputter coated prior to milling, which aids dispersal of charge build-up during milling. Alternatively, an e-beam rotary coater can be used to apply a layer of carbon-platinum to the grids, the exact thickness of which can be more precisely controlled. Once inside the cryoFIB-SEM an additional coating of an organoplatinum compound is applied to the surface of the grid via a gas injection system (GIS). This layer protects the front edge of the lamella as it is milled, the integrity of which is critical for achieving uniformly thin lamellae. Regions of interest are identified via SEM and milling is carried out in a step-wise fashion, reducing the current of the ion beam as the lamella reaches electron transparency, in order to avoid excessive heat generation. A grid with multiple lamellae is then transferred to a transmission electron microscope (TEM) under cryogenic conditions for tilt-series acquisition. A robust and contamination-free workflow for lamella preparation is an essential step for downstream techniques, including cellular cryoEM, cryoET, and sub-tomogram averaging. Development of these techniques, especially for lift-out and milling of high-pressure frozen samples, is of high-priority in the field.


  • focused ion beam (FIB)-milling emerged from the field of materials sciences, where samples are routinely thinned to prepare them for downstream analysis[5 ]

  • Cryo-electron microscopy of vitreous sections (CEMOVIS) is a technique whereby high-pressure frozen blocks of biological material are sectioned under cryogenic conditions with an ultramicrotome

  • This problem is mitigated by the application of an organoplatinum coat applied via a gas injection system (GIS), which protects the front edge of the lamella during milling[31]

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The cellular contents of biological samples

On-grid FIB-milling of plunge frozen cells
Tilt-series acquisition and general overview of data processing
Representative Results
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