
Even though the purpose of this paper is to review techniques of preparative isoelectric focusing with special regard to the separation of plasma proteins, it should be made clear from the start that it will be limited to the discussion of isoelectric focusing in pH gradients based on ampholytes, so-called ‘natural pH gradients’1. It will not deal with transient pH gradients to be observed in electrolysis experiments with different buffer systems, nor with stable pH gradients produced by temperature gradients in a buffering solution as described by Luner and Kolin2. Furthermore, special attention will be focused on the amount of protein which can be separated, or which actually has been separated in a single experiment.KeywordsDensity GradientZone ConvectionAdenylate KinaseScience ToolNeutral RegionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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