
Additional education has long been an integral part of the educational environment. Painting, sports, robotics and other areas make a significant contribution to the development of personality, while teachers play a key role in this process. Education and teaching go hand in hand, which makes it important to invest in the training and professional development of teachers. Today, teachers need various knowledge, skills and abilities to create lesson plans, organize training, work with the administration and interact with parents. Based on the analysis of modern literature and practical experience of the functioning of institutions of children's additional education, the author defines a set of competencies that allow teachers to make a significant contribution to the success of students, and therefore can be taken into account when designing the main professional educational programs of higher education as the results of their development. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of updating the content of teacher training in the context of the interaction of higher pedagogical and children's additional education. The concept of training pedagogical personnel for the education system for the period up to 2030, methodological recommendations for the training of pedagogical personnel for bachelor's degree programs based on unified approaches to their structure and content ("Core of higher pedagogical education"), professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that on the basis of concretization of scientific ideas about the content of professional training of students of pedagogical vocation, a set of requirements for its results is proposed, clarified taking into account the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the system of additional education. The article offers recommendations that allow future teachers to prepare for a career in additional education. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in updating the content of the training of students of pedagogical specialties, compiling textbooks and workshops on the pedagogy of additional education.

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