
Natural surfactant-based iron oxides from Zingiber officinale extract have been successfully synthesized through the coprecipitation method. Black iron oxide-Zingiber officinale has been characterized by using an X-ray Diffractometer. The diffraction data from black iron oxide and black iron oxide-Zingiber officinale show a comparable pattern with the highest peak was at 35.7° angle and field of hkl (311). According to a calculation using the Debye-Scherrer equation, the particle size obtained from black iron oxide and black iron oxide-Zingiber officinale was 2.7 nm and 2.5 nm, respectively. The addition of Zingiber officinale extracts as the natural surfactant declined the particle size of iron oxide nanoparticles. Thus, it indicates that the abundant amount of hydroxyl within the Zingiber officinale extract effectively protects black iron oxide's surface from aggregation. Besides, the extract of gingerol full Zingiber officinale that coats the black iron oxide nanoparticle also contributed to obstructing the particle agglomeration.

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