
IT is WELL KNOWN that the adrenal cortex shows enlargement and increased func-tion following various experimental procedures and treatments. It is also certain that marked cortical atrophy follows hypophysectomy. Many investigators be-lieve that a specific anterior pituitary (adrenotropic) hormone normally supports cortical tissue and its functions, though Grollman (i), Fazekas (a) and others have questioned the existence of a specific adrenotropic hormone. The first qualitative and quantitative studies in this field were largely based on histological changes in the adrenal cortex. An historical review of the earlier studies was made by Collip (3).Reiss (4) described a specific Sudanophobic zone which appears in adrenals of hypophysectomized rats and which disappears upon treatment with hypophyseal adrenotropic extracts. In 1937 Moon (5) described a methodof assay of adrenotropic hormone which utilizes increase of adrenal weight in ai-day rats.

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