
Traditional technologies of chitosan producing involve the use of hard alkali-acidtreatment of crab shell raw materials, which negatively affects the main qualityparameters of chitosan (molecular weight, the degree of deacetylation). Wepropose an alternative technical approach. It involves the useofelectrohydraulicshocks,whichuseextra-long bits.Theproposed approach has thefollowing advantages:the stages of grinding and deproteinizationof the rawmaterialsare combined,the additional use ofalkaliis excluded at the stage ofdeproteinization.For comparative characteristics of the structure of the polymer theIR-spectra of the samplesof chitosanwere removed. Chitosan, obtained usingelectrohydraulic treatment is not inferior in its physico-chemical parameters ofchitosan, obtained by using alkaline reagents. It is possible to organize the processof chitosan production on the base of the enterprises for shrimp processing.Specific requirements for physico-chemical and functional properties of chitosancontainingsubstances make the actual means and methods of control of the targetparameters, the key of which are qualitative identification and comprehensivedetermination of chitosan in the composition of film-forming compositions andfilms coatings. As the chromophore to measure the surface potential of the chitosansubstances, we used 1-aniline-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS). The maximumfluorescence of the dye in chitosan films is shifted to longer wavelengths comparedto chitosan gels, because of the increased polarity of the medium of films on theattitude to gel-like chitosan substances. The data obtained by thefluorimetricstudies can be used in the development of methods for the detection of chitosan.

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