
Mount Ungaran has abundant of biodiversity potential including flora. This is because Mount Ungaran still has a natural forest and one of the remaining natural forests especially in Central Java. The objective of the research was to preliminary study of ethnobotany through local wisdom of local people in managing biological resources and their environment, in the context of biodiversity conservation..The study was conducted in April-August 2018 in seven villages, such as Ngesrepbalong, Banyuwindu, Kalisidi, Gondang, and Sumber Rahayu, Sriwulan, and Gogik. Preliminary data collection of ethnobotany and local wisdom study included nine components and 35 person interview informants.The results are analyzed quantitatively and qualitative description.The results from analysis of three cultural components showed no specific phrases or teachings used by society in relation to society. Such Aspects of knowledge and local wisdom of society was low, because there is no knowledge of the relationship between the establishment of the village with flora or about the legend associated with certain plants in Mount Ungaran. The social system of the community around Mount Ungaran which describes the availability of specific institutions and related to conservation and certain rules on the preservation of flora, on average, the score in the social system is not good enough. The implementation of Flora conservation in Mount Ungaran there are still some problems encountered such as public indifference to Mount Ungaran

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