
We developed a new technique, transcervical balloon tuboplasty, an adaptation of established balloon angioplasty techniques that facilitates recanalization of proximally occluded oviducts. Sixteen patients with obstruction of the proximal portion of one or two fallopian tubes (based on at least two hysterosalpingograms and one laparoscopic examination) were selected for the procedure. Four patients (25%) were found to have patent oviducts on intraoperative third tubal patency evaluation and were therefore excluded from study. Of the remaining 12 patients, tubal patency was achieved in at least one fallopian tube in 7 patients (58%), as demonstrated by hysterosalpingogram immediately after the transcervical balloon tuboplasty procedure. On follow-up 2 months to 1 year afterward, two pregnancies and one delivery occurred. We conclude that transcervical balloon tuboplasty appears to represent a useful and safe technique to achieve patency in selected cases of tubal interstitial obstruction. Reocclusion rates, long-term complication rates, and pregnancy rates after transcervical balloon tuboplasty remain to be established before the procedure should be considered a recommended alternative for either surgical tuboplasty or in vitro fertilization.

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