Although the majority of eastern North Pacific(ENP) gray whales migrate to feeding grounds inthe Bering and Chukchi Seas, some terminate themigration in more southerly areas such asBritish Columbia (BC). Long-term sightingstudies in Clayoquot Sound (CS), BC, indicatethat approximately 35–50 individuals exhibitlong-term fidelity to this site. To determinethe sex composition (based on genetic sexing)of CS gray whales and to assess whethermatrilineal site-fidelity occurs in CS, wecollected skin biopsy samples from 16 CSindividuals (`residents') and 41 samples fromother areas (representative of the overallpopulation in the ENP: `non-residents'). Atotal of 27 polymorphic sites defined 24haploytpes among the 57 samples sequenced forHV1 of the mtDNA control region. Thenucleotide and haplotype diversities of thesesamples were 0.017 (SE = 0.0012) and 0.94(SE = 0.0019), respectively. Neighbor-joininganalysis revealed five lineages each of whichcontained haplotypes that were observed in bothresidents and non-residents. Residents did notdiffer significantly from non-residents, and nosignificant sex-ratio bias was found. Thesedata suggest a level of diversity that isinconsistent with a severe historicalbottleneck, and given the available samplesize, do not indicate matrilineally directedfidelity to Clayoquot Sound.
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