
PREGNANCY AND TUBERCULOSIS (TB): To assess TB cases during pregnancy in a developing region retrospectively and to present two case reports. Since TB cases activated by HIV infection during pregnancy are well reported in the literature, we aimed to investigate the aggressiveness of pulmonary TB among pregnant women and to assess the effects of TB on the fetus in Kutahya, an area where HIV positive cases are not seen. The medical records between 2000 and 2005 of the Provincial Health Directorate and Dispensary Against Tuberculosis in Kutahya were reviewed and analyzed retrospectively. Between 2000 and 2005, 667 pulmonary TB cases were examined in the Kutahya region. Of these, 106 occurred in women at reproductive ages between 20 and 44. All were HIV negative cases. In this area, five TB cases were found during pregnancy. There were three cases seen in the first trimester, but pregnancy was ended by curettage. Two women had pulmonary TB and gave birth. Five cases were evaluated as class 1 TB. During and after pregnancy, isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and pyrazinamide (INH + RFP + ETB + PRZ) were used for the treatment. Resistance to anti-TB drugs was not seen during the treatment. Neither congenial nor neonatal TB was seen. Generally, TB is expected to be more aggressive during pregnancy. Since our cases were HIV negative, it can be thought that TB did not progress aggressively. Less aggressiveness and non-resistance to TB treatment in HIV-negative pregnant women compared with HIV-positive women were observed. Therefore, HIV infection results in greater mortality than the triple combination of human immunodeficiency virus, mycobacterium TB, and pregnancy. Besides, the advance of TB in pregnant women was not different from that in non-pregnant women in Kutahya. The fetus and the newborn were not affected. INH, RFP, ETB, and PRZ were used for therapy.

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