
 Millennial tourists regards traveling not just about enjoying nature and culture, or strolling around, instead millennials assume that traveling is when immersed in an interesting experience. The purpose of this study is to find out how the preferences of domestik millennial tourists visiting Selfie Tourist Attraction (STA) in Bali, as well as what tourist activities need to be developed. The approach in this research is qualitative, referring to McIntosh's Motivation theory and Leiper's Tourist Attraction Theory. The locus of research is in five STAs including: Twin Hill in Gianyar Regency, Big Garden Corner in Denpasar City, Tukad Badung in Denpasar City, Merta Sari Sanur Beach and Selfie Wanagiri Tourism in Buleleng Regency . Data will be collected through interview and the distribution of 50 questionnaires with accidental sampling. The results revealed that the majority of tourists' motivation to visit is driven by the desire to escape or so-called Fantasy Motivation by 50%, while physical motivation is by 26%, social by 20%, and culture merely by 4%. Furthermore, regarding its preference analysis, domestic millenial tourists are very supportive for the government's performance and enthusiastic for the success of the stakeholders in developing and advancing STA, as seen from the percentage of 94% of tourists choosing to visit by considering the success of the stakeholders in managing STA. In addition, there are a number of tourism activities that need to be developed to optimize the potential of STA, such as: holding cultural events on a regular basis, adding playgrounds for children, adding spots for selfies, and renovating selfie photo spots that are already inadequate. Tourists also argued the need to maintain cleanliness and the addition of public facilities.


  • Millennial tourists regards traveling not just about enjoying nature and culture, or strolling around, instead millennials assume that traveling is when immersed in an interesting experience

  • Pengaruh sosial media ikut mengabil peranan, seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Cavagnaro (2018) bahwa travelling means living an experience of personal development centred on the individual tourist, yang artinya bahwa para milenial mendefinisikan berwisata sebagai hidup dalam pengalaman untuk pengembangan personal yang berpusat pada masing-masing individu, dengan kata lain, fokus berwisata adalah pada pengalaman bukan sebatas menikmati

  • “Wisata Minat Khusus sebagai Alternatif Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Bangli”, diakses dari: ejournal.ihdn.ac.id/index.php/PB/article/ download/840/696, pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2019

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Fisik Budaya Sosial Fantasi

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi fantasi masih menjadi pilihan dengan prosentase 50%, sedangkan motivasi fisik hanya 26%, sosial 20%, dan budaya hanya 4%. DTW Swafoto memiliki daya tarik tersendiri sebab dapat menjadi selingan bagi wisatawan untuk melepas penat atau refreshing (lihat gambar 1). Prosentase terkecil terlihat pada ketersediaan dan kelayakan fasilitas umum yakni 42%, meskipun ini belum menjadi preferensi wisatawan, namun sebaiknya mulai ditingkatkan kembali, sebab berdasarkan hasil wawancara, terdapat opini wisatawan yang menyatakan bahwa “kebersihan dan kenyamanan fasilitas perlu dijaga”, hal ini juga ditambah dengan kurangnya ketersediaan Toilet dan Wifi atau akses internet. Hal lainnya yang perlu diperhatikan adalah adanya fasilitas informasi, sebab berdasarkan data yang didapat poin informasi menjadi preferensi wisatawan nusantara dengan prosentase sebesar 84% dan 90% untuk sebelum dan saat mengunjungi DTW tersebut. Menariknya, seluruh wisatawan atau 100% mengungkapkan akan datang kembali, serta 86% menyatakan akan merekomendasikan DTW swafoto tersebut

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