
This year, Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is proud to hold its second international virtual symposium, featuring world-class speakers and editors worldwide. We were incredibly honored to have invited RR. Ratih Dyah Kusumawati, Ph.D. from Center for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (CRESS), Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia, Assoc. Prof. Hui Nee Au Yong, Ph.D. from Faculty of Business and Finance, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Mari Eko Mulyani, Ph.D. from School of Geography and The Environment, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom and School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia, Assoc. Prof. Hironori Hamasaki from Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University, Japan, Dian Novarina, M.Sc. from Deputy Director of Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement, PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (APRIL), Jessica Hanafi, Ph.D. from Executive Director PT. Life Cycle Indonesia, and Dr. Ir. Haruki Agustina M.Sc. from Director of Contaminated Land Recovery and Emergency Response Hazardous and Toxic Waste and Non-Hazardous and Toxic Materials, Ministry of Environment and Forestry.The symposium was held in virtual format due to related restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic. I appreciate everyone’s participation in the second JESSD Symposium: International Symposium of Earth, Energy, Environmental Science, and Sustainable Development, despite the restrictive situation caused by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of being postponed, this symposium was conducted virtually in response to emerging issues mainly related to earth science, energy, environmental science, and sustainability. Moreover, this symposium also facilitates the publications of qualified research on COVID-19 to contribute to the global response towards the pandemic situation.This symposium is slightly different from the previous symposium and conference held last year. By making the best use of development in telecommunication platforms, we are able to gather virtually to share our insights and progress covering numerous subjects ranging from: the broad earth science, energy, and environmental science, and the special issues of COVID-19 Research as well as Community Engagement for Better Environment. This symposium utilized Zoom and Youtube, a widely known cloud-based video conferencing tool, as its telecommunication platform.The symposium was held on 27-28 August 2022. Committees are based in School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. We are aware that a virtual setup will not provide the same experience as an on-site symposium. However, it is in our nature as researchers to be undeterred by new challenges. The opportunity to host this event virtually allows us to facilitate cross-borders discussion and collaboration at lower cost and less impact on the environment through reducing carbon footprint. We have invited some prominent speakers from various regions to provide lectures on a wide range of environmental research. In addition, we have also invited world-class speakers and editors to help with your scientific publication process. The participants (presenters) are coming from 16 different countries all around the world, including: Malaysia, South Korea, Netherland, Ukraine, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, Brazil, Poland, China, Germany, Tunisia, and Indonesia.We are glad that we received lots of submissions from the symposium and selected a bunch of high-quality papers and compiled them into the proceedings after reviewing them using the double-blind peer review procedure. The symposium is considered successful. Signal loss and some technical issues happened during parallel sessions but had been well and quickly addressed by technical assistants, without causing any significant delay. I express my deep gratitude to the editors: Editors committee: Dr. Ahyahudin Sodri, Dr. Herdis Herdiansyah, Mari E. Mulyani, D.Phil., Dr. Stefanie Steinebach, Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Misri Gozan, M.Tech., Dr. Djoni Hartono, Ratih Dyah Kusumastuti, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Ivandini Tribidasari Anggraningrum, and committees Dr. Herdis Herdiansyah, Nova Amalia Sakina, Azhar Firdaus, Arty Dwi Januari, Hafizha Ilma Qadriina, Sinan Vidi Lazuardi, Salma Mar’atus Sholihah, and HIMPASILING UI Team for their time, hard work, and contribution to support this symposium during this challenging time.I would like to take this opportunity also to express my gratitude for our sponsors, (Danone Indonesia, Induk Koperasi Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Inkopol), PT Arlindo Grafimedia, PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (April Group), Bank Rakyat Indonesia, APP Sinar Mas, Harita Nickel, Greenera Consulting, Pertamina Patra Niaga, Starborn Chemical, PT. Prima Kana Energy, Waskita, Roatex, One Global Synergy, and Lintasarta) and also for Himpasiling (Himpunan Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Ilmu Lingkungan) Universitas Indonesia 2022 period for conducting the joint session. Last but not the least, we send our sincere thanks to the IOP publisher for publishing the proceedings.Jakarta, 27 August 2022Editor-in-Chief,Dr. Herdis HerdiansyahList of committees are available in this Pdf.

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