
Forest should be managed wisely to benefit all parties and stakeholders. Forests provide many benefits, both tangible and intangible. So far, forest management has focused on the use of timber forest products which are nowadays clearly unable to maintain forest conditions, especially natural forests. This is indicated by the decreasing number of natural forest concession rights, as well as natural forest timber production which in turn will result to its inability to meet the needs of domestic industrial raw materials, but increasing the rate of deforestation and degradation.Silvicultural science plays a very vital role in sustainable forest management by ensuring the sustainability of forest ecosystem functions (habitat, regulation, production and information) and increasing positive socio-economic impacts, including in terms of maintaining and increasing forest productivity, and achieving sustainable development. The study of forest ecosystem functions requires in-depth research, sharing and dissemination of research results to various stakeholders.Therefore, we need a forum that can facilitate and provide space for sharing and dissemination of the study for academics, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. The International Conference on Tropical Silviculture is held regularly by the Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University. The 3rd International Conference on Tropical Silviculture (ICTS 2021) held virtually on 24 August 2021. The theme of this year’s conference is “Inspiring Silviculture Innovation and Research in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”. . Nine topics discussed in ICTS 2021, includes: biomass energy forest, forestry business, forest fire & climate change, agroforestry and forest plantation, ecosystem services, biodiversity, non-timber forest product, un-even aged silviculture, and forest degradation and rehabilitation. This conference is expected to be a means of exchanging information, knowledge and innovation for the sake of improving the function of forest ecosystems and also achieving sustainable forests.On behalf of the committee, I wish to appreciate to the Rector of IPB University, the Dean of Faculty of Forestry and Environment, and the Head of Department of Silviculture for their support to ensure the success of this conference. I would like to thank to Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Masyarakat Silvikultur Indonesia (MASSI), Tree Grower Community (TGC), International Collaboration Office – IPB University (ICO), Regional Fire Management Resource Center – South East Asia (RFMRC), and University of Maryland Center for Environmental Studies (UMCES) for their important collaboration in this conference.My sincere thanks also to all parties, including session moderators, all speakers, poster presenters and participants that already make this conference meaningful. High appreciation dedicated to the committee who have worked very hard and the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to improve the quality of manuscripts in this conference proceedings.The Chairman, Organizing Committee ICTS 2021Prof. Dr. Prijanto PamoengkasList of the committees and editors of ICTS 2021:List of Steering Committee, Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee/Editors are available in the pdf.

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