
The development of aquatic resource science and management has grown rapidly in the last decade, both in the context of biology, ecology, and the management of the resources in them. Trends and scientific status of aquatic resources need to be well understood as a benchmark for scientific development and responding to future challenges. Thus, scientific forums are urgently needed to mutually discuss achievements and important issues in the science and management of aquatic resources.The Department of Aquatic Resources Management (ARM), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FFMS), IPB University took the initiative to provide the needed discussion space by holding the 2nd International Symposium on Aquatic Sciences and Resources Management – Highland to Ocean, which is then abbreviated as 2nd ISASRM H2O 2022, which takes the general theme, namely Biology, Ecology and Resources Management. As the activity of the second international symposium on the sciences and management of aquatic resources in Indonesia, the sub-themes raised from the international symposium included: aquatic biology and ecology; aquatic environment, ecosystem, and conservation; aquatic endangered, protected, invasive alien and exotic species, miscellaneous; integrated inland waters and coastal management; fisheries management; social-ecological system framework for aquatic resources management; aquatic bioprospecting; and aquatic natural products. Sub-themes can accommodate all the scientific focus of science and management of aquatic resources from upstream to downstream and contribute to scientists, researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders, both direct beneficiaries of aquatic resources, managers of aquatic resources, and processors of aquatic resource products. In addition, this activity is also expected to assist the government in responding to the challenges of managing water resources in the future and realizing sustainable integrated management dan sustainable development goals.Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Indonesian government still restricts travel, and meetings in large numbers, so the 2nd ISARM was held virtually using the Zoom platform organized at the Department of ARM, FFMS, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia on August 23-24, 2022. Virtual conferences are able to increase wider reach. However, time differences are challenging, and discussion interactions are not optimal. Hopefully, we can meet directly at another international conference at IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia.The symposium was attended by 72 oral presenters and 14 poster presenters. Presenters come from at least seven countries: Indonesia, China, Philippines, Turkey, United Kingdom, Norway, and Australia. The total participants of this activity were 166 participants, both national and international. The 2nd ISARM also presented five speakers from various scientific fields, including the Management Program of Coral Reef in Indonesia by Dr. Sri Yanti, MPM from Fisheries and Marine Directory BAPPENAS, Republic of Indonesia; Coastal and Marine Resources Conservation and Management By Dr. Ruby Castrence-Gonzales from Mindanao State University Naawan, Philippines; Exploring Drug Repurposing for the Treatment of Aquatic Diseases by Prof. Dr. Mohd Shahir Shamsir Omar from UTHM Deputy Vice Chancellor, Malaysia; Coastal Watershed Ecological Processes, Modeling, and Management by Prof. Jinliang Huang from Xiamen University, China; and The Negative Impact of The Alien Freshwater Crayfish Invading Indonesia and Sustainable Fisheries Development of Native Crayfish in Indonesia by Dr. Tadashi Kawai from Immediately Past President of the International Association of Astacology Hokkaido Research Organization, Japan. The oral and poster presentations also discuss the issues and challenges for aquatic ecosystems, which are closely related to anthropogenic activities as driving factors. Everything is connected from the highlands to the ocean. Despite all the challenges, we, as scientists, still have a chance to do research towards the sustainable development of aquatic resources management. Moreover, make a better world.Many new ideas, insights, methodologies, and state-of-the-art science can be studied and adopted to improve our work in this important area further. There have been many interesting and useful presentations in plenary and interactive sessions. Many good experiences have been shared and lessons learned, including in the aspects of biology and ecology and managing resources from the highland to the ocean.We would like to take this opportunity to thank all partners, namely the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (ARM IPB University), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FFMS IPB University), Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL IPB University), International Collaboration Office (ICO IPB University), Fisheries and Marine Directory BAPPENAS Republic of Indonesia, and Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) with the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program – Coral Triangle Initiative (COREMAP-CTI), for financial support and collaboration. Also, we would like to thank all the speakers, reviewers, and the committee for organizing this event and ensuring it runs smoothly.List of Editorial team, Organizing Committees are available in the pdf.

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