
Initially this conference will be held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. However, due to caution against the COVID-19 outbreak and the existence of government regulations regarding restrictions on gatherings of large numbers of people and limited travel aspects, this conference was turned into a virtual conference. However, this conference went well as a conference in general with the presentations of each presenter followed by questions & answers. The difficulty factor that appeared was only limited to unstable internet access for some participants, but this could be anticipated by the video that had been sent by the conference participants and participants had to attend and answer questions from the presentation material that was delivered. Over 80% of participants preferred the virtual conference to date when it polled them.Innovation is a word that requires change activities in managing all things to achieve ease in serving life. This change will not be possible if humans do not use their minds to think, conceptualize, observe, and make changes in themselves. The role of universities is very important in fostering bright ideas that should be able to work together with practitioners in industries and societies. A more competitive industry must have better public services. It is very impossible when basic science is abandoned in the direction of innovative thoughts, this is actually a big asset in making a snowball of innovation that keeps rolling. One important thing that cannot be left out in conducting research and innovation, namely support for government regulations. You can imagine how we will conduct research on a sophisticated technology that requires a larger frequency range, while local state government regulations prohibit the use of certain frequencies that are greater. Or when a researcher will research radioactive material for nuclear while government regulations prohibit it. So government support is of course very much needed in the development of continuous research and innovation to meet the needs of human life. Various kinds of obstacles that will become a problem in innovation need to be listed, such as funding, scheduling in innovating to time-to-market, complexity which of course requires research in multi-disciplinary fields, academic needs on campuses as a fuel for innovation, copyright and patent issues, the sustainability function of the three elements of innovation, namely campus, industry/society and government. The campus must be able to collaborate with these elements to produce a technology strategy board that will develop for a long time as long as the demand for innovation is still needed. Humans must always think about translating technology significantly so that it is efficient and able to meet the challenges of the times.The obstacle that will arise after the innovation runs well is the end product. Market needs will be very dynamic, so it will be very difficult to fulfill them. Surveys, observations, and predictions of trends that develop when rolling out innovations are very important to do to test the market for the products being developed. Various kinds of obstacles that arise in technology need to be anticipated and of course ethical acceptance needs to be done to get the continuity of the progress of innovation made in the future. Even the smallest contribution to the world of innovation will be very useful and meaningful as long as humans are still alive to fulfill their needs. Editor of the 2020 2nd ICERIA Ferry Wahyu Wibowo ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1913-436X Committee 2020 2nd International Conference on Enhanced research and Industrial Application(ICERIA) List of Steering Committee, Organizing Committee, Technical Committee are available in the pdf

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