
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering International Nuclear Science, Technology and Engineering Conference 2023 (iNuSTEC2023) “Nuclear Science and Technology For Socio-economic Development “ Universiti Tenaga Nasional Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia 10-12 October 2023 MESSAGE FROM: VICE-CHANCELLOR, UNIVERSITI TENAGA NASIONAL (UNITEN)UNITEN is honored to host the International Nuclear Science, Technology, and Engineering Conference 2023 (iNUSTEC2023) and the Nuclear Youth Competition (NYC). With the theme “Nuclear Science and Technology for Sustainable Development Goals”, iNuSTEC2023 is the thirteenth in a series of conferences hosted by the Malaysian Nuclear Society (MNS) since 2010 through collaboration with research institutes and local universities.Don’t we feel like time has passed by so quickly? And with it, came along significant and some were unthinkable changes to our lives. According to Our World in Data statistics, in 2022, each of us consumed on average 3.5 times more energy compared to 40 years ago. In the year 2050, Malaysia is expected to consume almost twice the amount of electricity in 2022 (320 TWh vs. 180 TWh). This means that on a daily basis in 2050, Malaysia is expected to consume close to 0.9 TWh of electricity per day.About 50 million electric vehicles are expected to be on the road in 2050. Every day, about 0.6 TWh of electricity is needed to charge these cars. That is an additional two-thirds of the expected daily electricity consumption per person in 2050. Malaysia has identified the pathways for Responsible Transition 2050 in the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) to tackle the energy trilemma of affordability, security, and sustainability. These pathways include having 0% coal share and 70% renewable energy share of installed capacity in 2050.70% of renewable energy share is about 57 GW of solar PV, which will take a total land size that is slightly smaller than Melaka state. The same amount of power can be generated by nuclear power on a total land size that is 10 times smaller. That is not even considering the intermittency of power generation with solar PV.At UNITEN, we believe that research and knowledge in nuclear power can play a huge role in supporting the Low Carbon Nation Aspiration and the Responsible Transition, especially in providing affordable, clean and safe energy supply to the Rakyat. Institute of Nuclear Energy (INE) at UNITEN was established in May this year to further empower and accelerate the existing research and educational efforts done at UNITEN since 2010.At the university level, UNITEN has established the National Energy Centre (NEC) to support the national energy transition efforts. NEC will serve as a hub for research institutes, industrial and international linkages, and government agencies to form collaborations with experts from local and foreign universities, energy agencies, and stakeholders.UNITEN envisions that NEC will play a significant role in providing technological solutions for Malaysia’s energy transition which will be beneficial to Malaysia, as well as the surrounding region. NEC will also play the role of capacity building for the country’s future workforce that will lead Malaysia towards net-zero in 2050. I extend my warmest invitation to every participant attending this conference, to be a part of this concerted nationwide effort in championing sustainability through involvement with the NEC.I would like to remind participants, that you are among the very small percentage of Malaysia’s population, who are experts in the nuclear field. Thank you so much for your contributions to keeping the knowledge related to nuclear science and engineering alive, despite how hard or negative it can get in the industry.Congratulations to the organizing committee for hosting this iNuSTEC2023 together with the Nuclear Youth Competition (NYC2023). My deepest appreciation goes to our keynote speakers, technical co-sponsors, and all supporters for their contribution to ensuring the success of this conference. To the presenters and participants, thank you for your participation and I wish the conference all success. PROFESSOR IR. DR. NOOR AZUAN ABU OSMAN Vice-Chancellor Universiti Tenaga Nasional List of Editors, Contents, Papers, iNuSTEC2023 Organising Committee, Nuclear Youth Competition 2023 Secretariat, Nuclear Youth Competition 2023, Acknowledgement, Mns Council Members 2023/2025, are available in the pdf.

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