
Environmental sustainability is a complex issue, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic is case in point. Pandemic is a complex problem arising because of the decoupling of human-nature interactions. There are various problems associated with the pandemic, not only health, but also ecology, economy, food security, education, human rights and justice. The complex dynamics of life with high mobility suddenly come to a halt throughout the world, including Indonesia. The various human activities that endlessly change and put high pressure on nature, suddenly stop and humans are forced to think and make drastic changes. For a moment the universe was in silence, air pollution stopped, land clearing stopped, development activities on the coast and small islands halted, human life and the economy slowed down. Is this a response from the universe to our treatment which has been less environmentally friendly? Can this phenomenon open up opportunities for sustainability? Can this phenomenon solve the complex problems that threaten the sustainability of the universe? These various questions require a transdisciplinary approach from various disciplines, to be able to find a new balance it calls as “the new normal”. The 3rd International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co-creation in Sustainability (ISTAKCOS 3) is a platform where we will explore new ways and new ideas on understanding complexity and environmental sustainability. It provides insights into the implementation of transdisciplinary and sustainability science in solving the problems of increasingly complex development issues.The 3rd International Symposium on Transdisciplinary Approach for Knowledge Co_Creation in Sustainability (ISTAKCOS) was held online by the Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences – CTSS, IPB University Bogor, Indonesia on September 1-2, 2022. This activity aims to provide a forum for sharing knowledge, research, and experiences in the application of transdisciplinary science and sustainability science; to support the development of international collaborative research in transdisciplinary fields and sustainability science, and seek cooperation in the development of sustainability science. This event encourages and facilitates networking among academicians, researchers, policy makers, university students, and civil society activist all over the world, and mediates publications in reputable publishers. There were two different sessions in the Symposium, Plenary session (with Keynote and Invited Speakers), and 8 Parallel sessions. Various topics were discussed at this conference, especially in: (1) Forest, Agricultural, and Marine Resources Management, (2) The Role of Socio-Cultural Dynamics for Sustainability, (3) Sustainability and Faith-based Environmentalism, (4) Sustainability on Water Resources Governance and Management, (5) Circular Economy and Sustainable Cities, (6) Post-Modernism and the Fate of Traditional Knowledge. Participants of the ISTAKCOS are coming from various groups of the professions, academia (professors, students, researchers), policy makers, and civil society activists.The objectives of this symposium are as follows: (1) Providing a global forum for diverse groups of researchers and any stakeholders to exchange their knowledge and experiences in the application of transdisciplinarity and sustainability sciences, as well as solving the problems of increasingly complex development issues to achieve SDGs; (2) Advancing the initiative of joint research on transdisciplinarity and sustainability sciences (3). Amplifying a collaborative action and best practice across the countries on sustainability sciences.All full papers presented in this event are very insightful and are needed to be disseminated for a broader audience. We thank all Editors, Reviewers, Assistants and IOP Management to work hand in hand to publish all manuscript in due time.List of Keynote and Invited Speaker, Conference Chair, Editorial Board, Reviewer List and Assistant Editors are available in the pdf.

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