
Excellences, Distinguished Participants, Ladies, and Gentlemen,I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the 1st International and National Symposium on Aquatic Environment and Fisheries (INSAEF) 2020 of Syiah Kuala University on behalf of the conference committee. I wish to take this opportunity to welcome all the participants, the keynotes, and our invited speakers for coming to our campus virtually.This year is a different year. The pandemic has shifted our workspaces to home. However, we believe that communication amongst the scientist should remain connected and updated. The INSAEF allows the researchers, scientists, and students of the aquatic environment and fisheries to share their work, thoughts, ideas, learn from and lean on each other in this challenging time. The International and National Symposium on Aquatic Environment and Fisheries (INSAEF) is held virtually. This is due to the pandemic states of COVID-19 in Indonesia and the increase of cases number in Aceh especially. Therefore, the Rector of Syiah Kuala University has released a protocol that all academic activities should arrange virtually or by an online platform. The policy of 14-days quarantine also urges this symposium conducted virtually.The safety during the pandemic of COVID-19 states is still unpredictable while the work of scientists is needed to be published and updated soon. Besides, the communication amongst the scientist and sharing information into the community should remain connected and updated. The effortless online conference platform (Zoom Conference Meeting) supports this symposium conducted without postponed.This symposium consisted of three sessions: plenary, parallel session, and fast presentation. The plenary session has two keynote speakers that will deliver their talk in 45 minutes for each. The parallel sessions will be divided into five parallel sessions and every session will have 1 invited speaker that will deliver their talk in 20 minutes for each and approximately 15 oral presenters that will deliver their talk in 10 minutes. Finally, fast presentation session will have ten presenters who will talk for 5 minutes in each class.Each keynote speaker will talk in 45 minutes in a plenary session, 10 minutes in a parallel session, and 5 minutes in a fast presentation session included the Q&A session. Each session will have a moderator who will manage the whole session included Q&A session.The participants are from Indonesia (Aceh, Bogor, Bali, Padang, Kepulauan Riau etc), Malaysia, Germany, The United Kingdom, USA representing the students, lecturers, and researchers. The targeted number of all participants is 430 participants divided into 130 presenters (80 oral presenters and 30 fast presenters) and 300 non- presenters. After running a strong review, the committee received 115 articles to be published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.Our technical program is rich and varied, with two keynote speeches, five invited talks, and seven parallel sessions. On this occasion, I also wish to thank our keynote speaker Prof. Dr. Agung Dhamar Syakti, S.Pi, DEA (Rector of Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji), Prof. Dr. Muchlisin, ZA., M.Sc (Dean of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala University) and our invited speakers Prof Dr. Siti Azizah Mohd Noor (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu), Associate Prof. Dr. Hawis H. Maduppa (IPB University), Dr. Sebastian Ferse (ZMT, Bremen), Dr. Sally Keith (Lancaster University) and Achmad Adhitya, Ph.D. (co-founder Jaringan Alumni Luar Negeri).Finally, as the chairman of INSAEF 2020, I know that the conference’s success depends ultimately on the many people who have worked with us to plan and organize both the technical program and supporting arrangements. I thank the Organizing Committee members who have all worked extremely hard to detail essential aspects of the conference programs, including the Rector of Syiah Kuala University Prof. Dr. Samsul Rizal, M. Eng. and the Dean of Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Prof. Dr. Muchlisin, ZA., M.Sc.Sincerely yours, Nur Fadli, Ph.D

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