
Joint IMEKO TC1-TC7-TC13-TC18 Symposium 2019July 2-5, 2019St. Petersburg, RussiaThe Symposium was organized by the D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) with the assistance of the Russian Academy of Metrology in the persons of Anton Pronin, Acting Director of VNIIM and Vladimir Okrepilov, President of the Russian Academy of Metrology, who co-chaired the National Organizing Committee.The organizers of the Symposium took into account that the future sets interdisciplinary challenges entailing a growing need for a better mutual understanding and interaction of professionals in various disciplines.For the first time, members of four IMEKO Technical Committees were invited to participate in the Symposium:TC1 Education and Training in Measurement and Instrumentation TC7 Measurement ScienceTC13 Measurements in Biology and MedicineTC18 Measurement of Human FunctionsSymposium objectives:• To confirm that measurement science responds to the emerging needs of society. • To address the new challenges of the Industry 4.0 through cooperation of scientists under various TCs.Symposium motto: “The future glimmers long before it comes to be”.In addition to the plenary meeting consisting of four sessions there were held at the Symposium: • 13 thematic sessions and meetings with oral presentations on the subjects:• “Measurement science”, • “Measurements in the digital era”, • “Measurements in education and training”, • “Measurement of human functions”, • “Measurements of various quantities and their features”, • a poster session, • a round table “Terminology issues related to expanding boundaries of measurements”, • a Meeting of TC1, where professors of Russian and foreign universities discussed educational issues related to measurements.The Symposium was attended about 100 people from 23 countries:Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, France, Germany, Croatia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and USA.We managed to get together scientists working in measurement science, professors engaged in teaching undergraduate and graduate students, and specialists in measurements of multidimensional quantities characterizing humans. Such joint participation of various specialists was very beneficial to all of them and their interaction will undoubtedly have a synergistic effect.The Symposium made it possible to focus on the most relevant areas of measurement, among which we can note:• measurements (including those that use artificial intelligence and big data) of multidimensional quantities characterizing a person’s properties, such as his cognitive and psychological characteristics;• measurements of multidimensional quantities that determine properties of social and economic systems, as well as the quality of services, including those related to education;• methods to improve the objectivity of expert assessments to a level ensuring the compatibility and comparability with an uncertainty acceptable for practical purposes;• methods to improve the reliability of measurement results with a smaller cost of the metrological maintenance due to the automation of the metrological service and, if necessary, to the automated application of corrections.The Collected Articles of the Symposium include 78 papers peer-reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee.The Symposium was held on the premises located in the central part of St. Petersburg - one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In honor of the Symposium, the Co-chairperson of the National Organizing Committee A. Pronin and the Chairperson of the International Program Committee E. Benoit fired the traditional midday shot from the old cannon installed on the territory of the Peter-and-Paul Fortress.Participants of the Symposium took part in a sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg and in technical visits to leading technical universities of St. Petersburg arranged by the Organizers.According to many participants, the organizational decisions made, have largely contributed to the friendly and creative atmosphere of the Symposium and its success.In conclusion, we believe it is our duty to thank the members of the IMEKO General Council for their support in choosing the venue for the Symposium, and the members of the National Organizing Committee, International Program Committee, Advisory Board, and all the participants for their active and fruitful work.Anton Pronin, Co-Chairperson of the SymposiumKseniia Sapozhnikova, Roald Taymanov,members of the National Organizing and International Program Committees, members of the Editorial Board

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