
Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF) 2022, Universitas Negeri Surabaya on Recognition of Physics Innovation Results and Its Applications Towards the Era of Scientific Information Openness B K Prahani, R A Firdaus, A Realita, M Khoiro, M N Fahmi, N A Lestari, U A Deta* Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia *E-mail: utamadeta@unesa.ac.idWe want to present the National Physics Seminar or Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF 2022), entitled Recognition of Physics Innovation Results and Its Applications Towards the Era of Scientific Information Openness. SNF 2022 took place virtually by using the ZOOM meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic in transition. SNF 2022 organized by the Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya-Surabaya on August 27, 2022. In general, there are two sessions, namely plenary and parallel. The plenary session was given to three keynote speakers: (1) Prof. Dr. Ahmad Taufiq, M.Si. (09.40-10.10 AM), (2) Prof. Dr. Munasir, M.Si. (10.10-10.40 AM), (3) Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si. (10.40-11.10) which ends with a Q&A session (11.10-11.40 AM). Parallel session is for authors who present their papers and is carried out in ten groups of breakout rooms (1.00-4.00 PM).As a scientific forum, the SNF 2022 is attended by 417 participants from students, teachers, lecturers, engineers, and practitioners who participate either as presenters or as participants. The SNF 2022 main aim is to share ideas and knowledge and build collaboration with each other. We received 74 papers that will be selected to be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series with the scope of physics and its related area. In this volume, we accept 53 papers for publication after meeting the scope, checking originality, and performing peer review.The technology needed to deliver the meeting successfully is zoom meeting, laptop, sound system, Wi-Fi (internet signal source), and the backup of electrical power. In this particular case, there are no significant obstacles in the implementation of SNF 2022. We are hoping that the event will become a foothold of thinking in welcoming global developments. In addition, publications packaged in this seminar will further strengthen the existence and reputation of the physics department as an educational institution that excels in scientific publication at national and international levels. The results of these studies need to be disseminated so that they are scientifically helpful and provide practical value for the community.The organizing and editorial committee of the SNF 2022 would like to fully respect keynote speakers and all the presenters for providing their valuable contributions for this proceeding and the reviewers for their constructive recommendations and criticism aiding to improve the presented articles. We, on behalf of the committee of the SNF 2022, would like to thank all parties for their participation in supporting this publication. We want to invite the participants back to participate in SNF 2022, which will be held by the Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.List of titles Executive Chairman, Chairman of the Seminar Committee, The Organizer, Descriptions-Deadlines, Keynote Speakers, Invited Speakers, Committee Boards, International Advisory Board, Secretariat and Manuscripts, Reviewer are available in this Pdf.

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