
Biodiversity underlies with operating of ecosystem and condition of the ecosystem services which are crucial for human well-being. It serves food security, clean air and water supply as well as human health; economic improvement and local livelihoods are important for achieving several development goals including poverty reduction, prevent hunger as well as improving good health and well beings. Biodiversity needs to be addressed among species diversity, species and its ecosystem, and human issues along with any global processes which affect it. Several strategies had been planned and initiated by worldwide communities to upgrade the sustainable diversity years before 2020. However, in fact, targets for biodiversity still cannot be achieved globally. Continuous decreases of genes, species, and ecosystem diversity constantly occurred as a result of human activities. Thus, synergizing knowledge for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework is necessary to be undertaken. There is also a need to strengthen coherence and synergies among several areas including agriculture biodiversity, conservation ecology, environmental science, and sustainable materials and resources. The 11th ICGRC facilitates the international communities to synergize their latest knowledge and discoveries to identify fundamental problems in cope with achieving sustainable biodiversity and new strategies in order to prevent the decline of global biodiversity.The 11th ICGRC was held as a virtual conference due to covid-19 travel restriction and local government regulation. Our region was included in the red zone (highly infected people) that month. It was not possible to hold the on-site meeting. The virtual meeting was chosen since the schedule for keynote speakers was fixed and we had many participants that agree to a virtual meeting. The postponed event would impact the publication and most of the researchers needed scientific feedback from the others through our conference. The condition for the covid-19 pandemic was also uncertain. A virtual meeting was considered the best way for the academic community. Therefore, the conference date schedule was not changed, it was held on 28 July 2020 with the main virtual session was managed at The Universitas Brawijaya-Guest House, Malang, East Java, Indonesia.The conference provided 2 session models: (1) Plenary session for the keynote speaker. Each speaker had 30 minutes for the presentation and 30 minutes for the Q&A session. (2) Parallel session for the oral presenter/participant. Each oral presenter had 15 minutes for presentation and discussion. The presentations were delivered by Zoom meetings for this conference. It is the best and most of the participants familiar with this application. There was no problem with technical but time management for oral presenter should get more attention in the next conference. We prepared everything by requesting PowerPoint material from participants. It worked well and great success.The editors proudly present the selected papers of “The 11th International Conference on Global Resource Conservation” which is a scientific forum for the scientist from Indonesia and abroad to share their research interest related to global biodiversity. We would like to thank Universitas Brawijaya for fully support this International conference.Supported by:, List Of Icgrc 2020 Committee, are available in the pdf

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