
Access to the internet and WWW is growing extensively, which results in heavy network traffic. To reduce the network traffic proxy server is used. Proxy server reduces the load of server. If the cache replacement algorithm of proxy server's cache is efficient then proxy server will be helpful to reduce the network traffic in more efficient manner. In this paper we are considering proxy server cache to be Level 1 (L1) cache and storage cache of proxy server to be Level 2 (L2) cache. For collecting the real trace CC proxy server is used in an organization. Log of proxy server gives the information of various URLs accessed by various clients with time. For performing experiments various URLs were given a numeric identity. This paper proposes an efficient replacement algorithm on L1 for proxy server. The replacement algorithms taken into consideration are Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used (LFU), First In First Out (FIFO). Access Pattern of L1 and L2 are different as if the desired page is not on L1 then it accesses to L2. Thus L1 is having better temporal locality than L2. Thus the replacement algorithm which is giving efficient results for L1 may not be suitable for L2. This paper also proposes a preeminent pair of replacement algorithms for L1 and L2 cache for proxy server.

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