
In this work the priority in desalinization have been given to the soils belonging to high salinity content, classified in salinity class III, i.e. ECo<40 mmhos/cm at 25o C. The main criterion of priority selection towards the land reclamation of "Slatinas" is investment value per 1 ha of a reclaimed soil. These groups of soils require high range of reclamtive measures and procedures, so that consequently the land reclation execution costs would be pretty high. The basic condition in land Reclamation process is an existence of an adequate irrigation and drainage sysytems with a proper infrastructure for irrigation with open colectror network as well as the field drainage system. Dinamic of a Land reclamation technological procedure lasts 24 months. A differences between reclalamative procedure duration-time scheduling, depends on initial salt leaching lasting. This would be defined by the numbers of salt leaching rates, i.e. water applications and intervals between each application. When III salinity class is concerned-soils of extremily salinity, a leaching time duratiuon will be 80 days (Vojvodina). By shortening the initial salt lraching duration, couses a limited volume of mechanical reclamation measures, before and in the course of the leaching process too. The above will couse a significant reduction of the intermal infrastructural works, influenced by the numbers of initial salt leaching norms and shortening the volume of salinity control after the leaching activities complition.

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