
Preaching on political issues is a very topical matter, especially in the current situation in South Africa. This matter is extensively dealt with in literature in the field of the Old and New Testament, Homiletics and Ethics. The aim with this article is to explore the Pauline paranesis in Romans 12-15 to discern concrete guidelines on handling political issues in preaching. As point of departure the expression God’s mercy (Romans 12:1) is investigated closely, as the concept of God’s mercy is the foundation stone of the total paranesis in Romans 12-15. Regarding preaching on political issues, the fact that the new aeon has already come and will finally come, leads to certain conclusions. The responsibility of the congregation to test and approve what God's will is - also in political matters - is stressed. The kingdom of God as the predominant kingdom, relativises earthly (political) kingdoms. The responsibility to equip the congregation to discern political issues in the light of Scripture is dealt with in this regard. Finally, perspectives are given on the relation between state and believer. In conclusion the command to Christians to love each other as believers, to live in peace with everyone and to love enemies is also highlighted.


  • Preaching on political issues is a very topical matter, especially in the current situation in South Africa

  • Nie net op die SuidAfrikaanse toneel word homiletics oor dié saak besin nic maar ook in die buiteland (Velema, 1972:31-155; Oosterhof, 1987:142 e.v.; Josuttis, 1980:40 e.v.). ’n Homilcct soos Long (1989:83 e.v.) motiveer ook prediking oor politieke en ander sake vanuit die dimensie van die aardse werklikheid waarbinne lidmatc lewe

  • Dit moet ook hier gestel word dat prediking oor politieke sake ’n kemdimcnsic is in die sogenaamde bevrydingstcologic sedert die sewentigerjare

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In hierdie artikel word om ’n spesifieke rede nie van politieke prediking gepraat nie, maar van prediking oor politieke sake. Die belangrikste argument vir die keuse van ’n ander temi as politieke prediking is egter dat dié term die indruk mag skep dat ’n hermeneutiese sleutel van buite die Skrif (i.e. politick) gekies word om die Skrif te verklaar. Veral om hierdie rede word gekies vir die omskrywing prediking oor politieke sake. Hiermee word dan by implikasie gestel dat prediking van die Woord strek oor alle lewensterreine - ook die politiek, maar dan vanuit die Woord as beginpunt. Met politick word in hierdie artikel bedoel die georganiseerde ruimte (Snyman, 1994:150) waarbinne burgers se lewe en lewenskwaliteit georganiseerd gestruktureer word deur die mag van die staat

Aktuaiiteit van die onderwerp
Perspektiewe vanuit Romeine 12-15
Die perspektief van versoening en prediking oor politieke sake
Die perspektief van die twee aeone en prediking oor politieke sake
Die liefdesmotief en prediking oor politieke sake
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