
Slow reading speed is a common problem among Chinese college students’ English learning, limiting the amount of reading done and thus directly affecting English-level improvement. Teachers in English classes place a premium on improving students’ reading skills but the results are not immediately apparent. Even if many students have strong vocabulary and grammar skills, they will never be able to read English fluently. Teachers should prioritize not only students’ knowledge acquisition and intelligence development but also the development of students’ interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence in order to maximize their potential. This paper uses multimedia technology to investigate the role of multimedia technology in improving college English-reading efficiency and analyzes how teachers and students can play a positive role in improving the efficiency of college multimedia teaching using data mining technology, which shows that students’ predictive reading skills can help them improve their reading efficiency. Teachers can also supervise and ask questions about students’ learning progress via computers, communicate effectively with students, and provide timely feedback on students’ learning results using multimedia technology.


  • We must improve the quality of teaching in the interaction between teachers, students, and the media. e positive role of teachers and students in transforming the benefits of multimedia teaching into the benefits of teaching quality is critical

  • Multimedia teaching mode has been unanimously recognized by the majority of teachers and students

  • Under the guidance of scientific teaching mode, use information-based teaching means to cultivate excellent information-based talents needed by the society and develop educational informatization industry [9]. e problem of slow reading speed is common among Chinese college students’ English learning

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Characteristics of Multimedia Teaching
Application of Multimedia Technology in Reading Teaching
Analysis and Discussion
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