MIXED Oxide Nuclear fuel (MOX) contains both uranium and plutonium in oxidized form. It is important to calculate the nuclear decay heat due to the single thermal fission (fission due to 0.0235 eV neutron) for all fissile nuclei in the MOX fuels (U235, Pu239, and Pu241). These fissile nuclei are the main source of the decay heat in MOX fuel. Decay heat calculation of the weighted fissile material content in MOX fuel is also important. A numerical method was used in this work to calculate the concentrations of all fission products due to the individual thermal fission of the three fissile materials as a function of time N(t). The decay heat calculations for the three fissile materials are directly calculated using the summation method by knowing the different concentrations of fission products over time. The average decay heat of the MOX fuel in induced thermal fission is also concluded. The most influential nuclei in the decay heat were also identified. The method used has been validated by several comparisons before, but the new in this work is using the most recent Evaluated Nuclear Data Library ENDF/B-VIII.0. Calculations of decay heat show very common trends for a period of 107 sec after the fission burst of thermal fissions of individual fissile nuclei. Moreover, the code showed high capability in calculating the fission fragments inventories and decay heats due to the decay of fission fragments of 31 fissionable nuclei.
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