
A revolutionary approach for groundwater management is essential. To predicting the water levels using for integrating IoT sensors, cloud computing, and advanced data analysis methods. IoT sensors are employed for real-time measurement of groundwater levels, creating a robust dataset. The paper focuses on predicting future groundwater levels, a crucial aspect of sustainable resource management. To enhance predictive accuracy, a preprocessing algorithm, such as Min-Max normalization, is introduced to clean and normalize the collected data, ensuring its reliability. Additionally, a feature extraction algorithm, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), is implemented to identify relevant patterns and trends within the dataset, enhancing the efficiency of subsequent analysis. A novel classification algorithm, Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network, is introduced, enabling the identification of potential groundwater recharge areas. This classification algorithm leverages historical data and extracted features to categorize regions based on their suitability for groundwater renewal. Finally, this research uses a Temporal attention-enhanced graph Neural Network machine learning algorithm to predict groundwater levels in the next few years. This algorithm utilizes the preprocessed data and extracted features, identifying intricate patterns and trends in historical data to generate precise predictions for groundwater levels in the upcoming years.

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